Appointment of Barry Neal as CFO

Barry has been working for IBML for some time and this appointment establishes a firm footing for the financial management of the business as it moves towards our proposed listing later this year.

The Company's Directors believe that Barry brings essential skills sets to IBML that are of considerable benefit to the Company and we congratulate him on the confirmation of his appointment.

Barry F. Neal
Qualifications: B Econ with majors in Accounting and Economics
Experience:  Barry completed his degree at Queensland University and started his career as a lecturer in accounting at the Queensland Institute of Technology. He then spent fifteen years overseas with the Australian Trade Commission in Europe and Asia.  In 1980 he opened the first China office of an Australian company, in Beijing, with one of his clients being BHP.  In 1989 Barry returned to Australia and to accounting.  Over the last twenty years he has had extensive experience in accounting and company secretarial work with listed public companies in a range of industries including exploration.